
Message from MD

Have all the tools ready you need for the better future, if you want to enhance your sense of accomplishments.

To know how or more, we welcome you to Phoenix International. We are dedicated to help busy, working or fresh adults providing the varieties of training, consultancy, employment and many more.

We know how to support you throughout the process and we will guide you how to fit our programs into your career.

So, do visit us and realize your dreams and ambitions. Welcome once again!

N. Khakurel
Managing Director
Phoenix International: Learn to Earn
GPO 5853, Ktm, Nepal

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Safety Food Management

Food plays a vital role in our lives. From the begning of humans till today various illness are always related with food that human consumes. This course is intended in order to understand the cause of food poisoning or illness and to take actions for preventing the furthur coming food accidents. This module will also make you easy to find a job with good pay while you start to search a job abroad or in your home country.

This course will facilitate the participants to achieve some helpful knowledge on safety management by various methods of instruction.

Finally, this short course will halpe you for better grounding and achieving the goal that you have designed in your professional career or progress.

After completion of this 15 hours course, you should be able to understand the hazardous food, basic hygiene of food, causes of foodborne illness and control measures, microbiology of food, safety handling methods and common food service accidents and general first aid practice.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Online MBA course

Are you busy? And looking for balancing work, home and family? You don’t have enough time to do your MBA? Please think one more time, you have sometime beside all your regular tasks and you can fit your life with online MBA. Forget about attending college, paying high tuition fees and spending valuable time, which are all traditional ways. You may do your business or work in your office and you have some problems in management or you would like to understand the achievement of real MBA, you just need 90 hours time to complete the course. Or if you would like learning quickly and want to use your knowledge in your work place to show that you are a different MBA than the traditional, you can do fast track (75 hours) course. Please contact me for the detail information.

It is our pleasure to inform you that Phoenix International has been opened at Kathmandu to help young adults in many ways (Skill training, Consultancy, Education etc).

You can also check some common courses launching with special offers. To get more information, call us at 977-2051653 (UTL) 977 9841384253 (Cell), email us at, write us at Post Box 5853 (Ktm, Nepal).

Allow us to serve and we treasure your comments. Looking forward to your response!Thanking you in advance. Have a good day!