It was a great shock when i first heard from a friend that Pukar killed Praveena and then shot himself after a while. As i know the guy since long time, i never have found such attitude or thoughts in him. It was unpredictable and unexpected but the truth has bust my beliefs.
Well, now i am just thinking the incident to find, Was that a crime or sociopath? It would sound silly to think over the past matter but in contrast with the understanding of lives i akin to remind the past.
The question hits me much about the incident. But my question is different from police. Where did the weapon come from? is the question of police. What made him to do such evil? is my question. "Pukar did not use to exhibit any criminal behaviors at any circumstances" is the opinion of his family, close friends, relatives and others. So, how come finally he committed to kill Praveena and shot himself? Is this a hidden delinquency or criminal behavior on him? If so, what are the factors to cause this. I have no evidence or proofs to say exactly in this matter. What i am writing here, is my personal views and it may not be true.
The researches had expressed some factors to cause such happenings, Environmental and social factor is one of those. Criminal or delinquent behaviors are learned reactions which are not inherited attitude or character but it can be ill-assorted atmosphere and social or community situations, which most of the time are responsible to build the criminal or sociopath traits in people. The occurrence happened between Pukar and Praveena was also due to the dissatisfactions of unfulfilled desires and needs which probably conflicts with individual and society. Finally, i felt so sorry when Pukar lost his concentration for his and Praveena's further lives and also their families